This knot is used to make a pair of fixed loops in the middle or at the end of a line. This is a strong knot and can be used in overboard rescue, as a towing bridle and in a pinch, even to make a boa ...
A carrick bend is also called a "sailor's knot" and can be used for tying two heavy lines ( i.e. towing hawsers and cables ) together. ...
This may be an alternative to the traditional sheetbend knot, but it works. Try it out-- it's best used to connect two ends of rope together for a strong hold. ...
Tips for dealing with flaking lines. Good for both single handing and strong winds. ...
Learn about different types of windless. Help you determine which one is right for your boat and how to use them. ...
Graphical animations show you to dock twin screw and single screw vessels. Additional tips for all skippers who face the stomach churning tasks of bringing their pride and joy into dock. ...